Publish goods or services

You must be a registered user to post and bid

First, choose the type of your ad - product or service. In your ad, you will have two statuses;
Status Active, Status: Accepted;
You decide whether the first Status is active, the second Status is after the Administrator has approved the announcement. An active good or service means that other users can see it. If you remove the check, it disappears from search engines.
The status of the goods or services depends on the Administrator. As soon as you enter it, the administrator will check it and let it go or stop it. Be sure to check which goods and services are prohibited from being offered on our site, in the question and answer section.

It is important to position the product or service in the right category.
Enter a location.

The correct short name of the product will allow you to correctly search for the product and be easily discovered by other users. If you want to be discovered from abroad, enter a short description in English.
More information - describe the product or service in detail to attract more users to it.

Select the type, transport and from whom the ad is offered.
Put the price in our virtual currency C&B EUR. This will allow other users to pay you in C&B EUR and you to pay for other goods and services with yours.

Do not forget: put real prices that correspond to the price of the product in EUR. C&B EUR is a conditional virtual currency, which is equivalent to the price of your goods, but if it is not real, but multiplied by 2 times 3, you will not find a buyer .
Enter the quantity and, if desired, the weight.

Save the ad with the "Save" button.

After saving, a button to upload photos will appear. Use it to add photos for more credibility. By placing the mouse over a certain photo you will see two buttons - to mark the photo as the first, and a button to delete.

Always check if you have placed photos and text correctly. If you have made a mistake, use the editing option, then click the "save" button.

Use all the options as intended and be sure to read the instructions first; everywhere we have a Help text with a complete description of the steps, we have questions and answers, in almost every text we repeat what you can and how to take advantage of; as a last resort, you can write us a letter by email: