When you don't have cash and need to get goods or services, bartering is a good solution. For example, one business may be looking for help with a project, and another business may have the time or resources to complete the task.
Today, every business has more resources than what they usually manage to sell, realize in a period of time;
For example: hotels, restaurants, fast food restaurants, taxis, hairdressers, massage therapists, novice professionals, (lawyers, accountants, doctors, programmers and others) hundreds of modern online services (language training, advice, copywriters, 3D, Internet shops and services, Educational platforms, Hosting services, Online cinema, Consultation with a doctor (and not only) online, Purchase of tickets for events and sports events, including promotional ones, Ordering food and drinks from restaurants and cafes, Freelance services and many more others you have found here in exchange for your goods or services.
These days, there is a growing trend towards bartering as an alternative to traditional cash-only transactions. Barter allows you to trade valuable items or services with partners, even from other countries. If your neighbor has more tomatoes from his garden, and you have excess eggs from your chickens, you can exchange your eggs for tomatoes. This is exactly what happened in ancient times when people in the same area traded goods directly instead of using a currency that may have had no real value locally or they simply didn't earn it because no one was buying their goods for real money.
During an economic downturn, the money supply shrinks, increasing the value and price of goods. In such a scenario, people may have to partially exchange goods and services without using money to find a solution temporarily or permanently until they fully restore the realization of their goods and services. Barter systems are incredibly flexible and can help people who cannot pay for the services they need.
For example, in conditions of stagnation or inflation, services such as health, education, rest, massage, hairdresser, taxi, repair of your home and garden, visiting a restaurant, theater and purchase of goods: such as luxury and fashion goods, healthy foods, jewelry, children's goods, cosmetics and many others, a family never reaches free real money.
At the same time, the owners of the goods and services are idle day after day, and people's garages all over the world are full of these goods, which did not find their purpose in time:
You will ask: what should I do if I don't need tomatoes or the buyer of eggs just isn't there? Our answer is: that's why we created this site; you can do more services, but you don't have customers?
You have stock in your warehouse or store and you don't have enough customers;
now you will already have, because the members of our site who have more eggs will deliver them to the one who needs them, and they will come to you for a haircut, because the buyer of eggs is not a hairdresser, but a taxi driver or the owner of The cafe-restaurant you are is useful the next time you need a taxi to visit the restaurant to celebrate your wife's birthday.
Well, yes, for this day you will need more eggs, but not real money, but paid with your labor: in a pleasant environment and with people you never find time for, because that also requires money.
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