Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

A cookie policy

In order for our website to function properly and to make sure that the services we provide will be optimized according to the needs of customers and visitors to… C&B ………………., We use cookies.

They help you get personalized use of our services, as well as to analyze the behavior of users.

The policy is in accordance with the current European and national regulation and with Directive 2002/58/EC for the right to privacy and electronic communications and the Electronic Communications Act.

… C&B ………. May save cookies on your computer or mobile device with your consent, with the use of our website, you give a free, specific and informed instruction for your will, to receive the services provided by us and respectively To process the related cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that can be saved to your device/browser when you visit the Website and store the user temporarily. On your next visit to the website, the browser will send back to web servers the information in the cookies already created.

Different cookies have different storage deadlines, which means that when a subsequent visit to our website, the cookie may have already been deleted. Each browser has a separate storage space for cookies, which is why if you use more than one browser, it is possible for cookies for the same purpose and the same web server to be recorded more than once.

Cookies do not individualize a particular person, but provide information about a browser and a device used. The data is encrypted to prevent access to them by unauthorized persons and are not used in any way, except for the purpose of providing the full functionality of the website and when using our services.

What cookies do we use on our website?

Depending on the storage period, the cookies of the user's device, they are divided into session and permanent. Session cookies are temporarily stored on your device and deleted after the session is completed, ie. Closing the website. Permanent cookies are stored on the final device for the period provided for them or until they are deleted by the User.

Binding cookies

They are absolutely necessary to ensure the full functionality of the website. These cookies allow you to use the website and log in to your account as prescribed. Without them, some parts of our website and services will not function properly. Such cookies also serve to establish the authenticity of our users and to prevent security and malicious behavior.

Functional cookies

We need these cookies for features such as:

Collection and analysis how to use the site so that we can improve the use of our site.

Let's recommend products that suit your preferences.

Cookies with analytical goals

They help to obtain information information on the website and analysis based on the statistical information collected, in order to improve the functioning of the Website, using the approved and secure tools of Google Analytics these cookies do not provide information about your personal data and information containing They are anonymized. The maximum period in which we keep the analytical data in Google Analytics is 38 months.


These cookies contain information on how you used our website and can be used to customize advertising campaigns through platforms of external sites and services. This way you see relevant information for you, including advertising. These cookies do not store personal data and the information is anonymized. Our website uses cookies to share information on the fact that you have visited our website and the way you use it, with your partner social networks and external advertising platforms we use: Facebook Ads, Google AdWords, Instagram, Adwise and others.

Management and deactivation of cookies

Each user has the ability to control the cookies used, allow, delete and deactivate the collection of cookies in the future through the browser settings you use. On your first visit to our website, you will have the opportunity to accept or refuse to use different types of cookies.

In different browsers, the tools that control the use of cookies are located in different places, most often in the Options/ Settings/ Preferences menu. Again in the menu of the respective browser, which includes the settings for the solution, disable and blocking cookies, you will also find the ability to delete the already stored cookies.

You can also change the automatic