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Search goods

Help in finding a buyer

We think that one of the most requested services with us will be to find a user who is looking for a product and service, and you will be able to provide it;
for this purpose, use different options in the search engine; for example, keyword I am looking for/we are looking for/I want/I agree/ others.

Also, almost always companies that offer something usually also buy the same product;
for example, they sell or rent houses or cars, but they also buy.

Next: you like something that you really need, which is offered by a user: just write to him that you are interested and offer a price; the commercial practice here is the same as in the whole world: if he does not answer you, offer a higher price or payment part of the amount in cash.
Believe me, if the product is on our platform, the user is flexible, there is no way not to agree; will you pay an additional 5% in cash upon receiving the product or 33%, will you bear any shipping costs, or will you have to pay it yourself to skip to the neighboring town, you decide, but it cannot but be advantageous; still, the greater part of what you have liked will be received in exchange for your goods and service.
not to mention how you can get thousands of virtual C&B Euros for attracting new members to our platform;