Онлайн консултация с лекар

Health, Others

Консултации за притеснителни проблеми като кашлица, хрема, главоболие, възпалено гърло, бронхит, настинка, Covid Услугата включва консултации, помощ при лечение, превенция и препоръки за медикаменти. Плащане 30% в реални пари 70% в бартерни монети

Counseling for bothersome issues such as cough, runny nose, headache, sore throat, bronchitis, colds, COVID The service includes counseling, treatment assistance, prevention and medication recommendations. Payment 30% in real money 70% in barter coins
Онлайн консултация с лекар
Online medical consultation
Type: Service, Condition: New
Location: Europe, Online, Online
Transportation is provided by: Seller
Private, business: Private, Quantity: 1

Unit price: 30.00 C&B EUR

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User has been with C&BH since: 04/11/2023
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Categories: Health, Others

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